An Internet Ode to my Plants

I'm moving from Austin to San Francisco, and apparently it's an issue to take plants from out of state into California. I'm a plant lady, so this totally bummed me out.

It's hard for me to part with my plants because a lot of them have stories. My sanseveria moved with me when I came to Austin 5 years ago. My aloe pups are from an aloe plant I had in high school. All of my spider plants are babies, or grand-babies, even, from a spider plant my mom gave me in high school—which I also still have. My pothos was grown from a cutting stolen from Flightpath, a coffee shop I frequented in college. My peace lily was a gift from my boyfriend at the time and my good friend, when my grandmother passed away, to remind me to keep my chin up. My monstera was a Valentine's day surprise from my darling Kyle Hall.

I figured it'd make it easier to part with my plants if they could live for eternity on the internet—so that's what this is. One last ode to my plants before I give them away.

There's a few plants I wasn't able to photograph—my tomato plants are tied to the balcony for support, my mint had a grasshopper on it, a couple have been outdoors for years and are a little too buggy to bring inside (plus it's freaking hot outside)—and my monstera was too big for that table.