Alexa Service Health Dashboard
As the Alexa developer community grew, our team wanted to be able to help developers understand if service issues were due to errors in their code, or a service outage. To address this, we built a dashboard where Alexa service health could be assessed at a glance.
Web design, User Experience design, User Interface design, Illustration, Copywriting

Starting from Scratch
The first version of this dashboard needed to be built very quickly, so we focused on the basics. We settled on 3 statuses, broke down services by geography, and launched. I made sure to align styles with the brand system I created for the Alexa Developer Console, and we hit the ground running.

Additional Features
Later, we’d received requests to enable a feature that allowed developers to view the system status daily across 7 days and hourly over 24 hours in addition to the current status. I added a dropdown, mocked up a few visualizations, and defined hover states.